
What do i do. is this just a phase? please help?

by  |  earlier

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so i've been dating my son's father since 2006. lately we've been fighting since the birth of our 6 month old baby. although, we fought before then. so there is this guy that i was having s*x w/ o/off for about 1 1/2 and we stopped when i got invovled w/ my now fiance/son's father, in 2006. we were friends before that and will remain friends because our best friends are married to each other. anywho, so i still want him. we still flirt and he hasnt gotten to far. i'm just wondering if i'm bored and a little unhappy and that's why i want this guy or if i fell out of love w/ my fiance. my fiance would be devasted if we broke up. he wants our family to be together, and so do i, but dont know with all the fighting and the feelings for another person, not that i even thing i'd be a good couple w/ the other one and not that i want to get into a relationship with someone else, even if me and my fiance DID break up. i'm just really confused.

when do you know a relationship is over. we have a date tonight, so i hope it goes well. but yesterday we were playing a game and we fought AGAIN. i feel liek we're always fighting

this is my first long term relationship, so i'm just wondering if it's gets boring and fighting is normal.

i would say we fight about 3x a week, w/ one of those fight being a huge fight




  1. W ow aren't you selfish

    H ave you thought about what this will do to your children

    O r are you only thinking about your self?

    R elationships take time and COMMITMENT.

    E veryones eyes wonder they just dont act on them

  2. Its just a phase....or just being imature...try counselling it will help you straighten up!good luck your baby is still small.

  3. Ok, you should not be cheating on the man you are going to marry or flirting with other men, try flirting with the man you are going to marry and use all your energy to work on that relationship.  If you do not want your fiance then tell him so and be honest and stop stinging him along.  Relationships aren't about OH we had a fight let me move on to another man, OH we made up let me go back to him.

    Choose who you want dump the other and stop stringing them along with you head games.

  4. when there is someone else in your relationship there will be fighting,because your not completely committed or focused on your relationship.

  5. It could just be the added stress of a new baby. It is good that you have date nights planned. I would limited any time that you are around the other guy, until your relationship is on solid ground.

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