
What do i do??? kids saying the word S**t!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old that just about 20 minutes said the word S**t. i have told them more than once 2 stop and my 4 yr old i have no problems with. my 5 yr old said it then my 3 yr old mocked her. i took both of them in the kitchen put soap in there mouths and told them that maybe they'll learn from that. then my oldest came up 2 me about 5 mins ago and said "mommy i put soap in my mouth just like u did" i asked her y and she didn't answer me. how do i get my kids off the "S**t" words. i have threatened, paddled, screamed, timeouts, you name it. i put them in time out and i hear "i hate mommy" " i want mommy to leave" "mommy's horrible." when they start doing that i walk away and let them throw there fits. my husband has a "potty mouth" i no they don't hear it from me cuz when there home with me i say, "man, c**p, god, what the (with nothing following it)'', i don't ever cuss around the kids but, i catch my hubby doing it all the time. i've told him 2 stop but




  1. called that nanny show

  2. next time they say S**t. go and take a toy away.....and take another toy and another everytime you hear the word S**t said. evetually they will get the message that saying this bad word only gets them their toys taken away. and dont give back the toys until you think they understand and also. have a jar. and everytime they swear put some money in and say this is the money that i was gonna buy u sweeties out of and now its in the swear jar. hope this helps

  3. Stop stressing so much over it, there are much worse things in the world then the word 'S**t' When they do use the the just give them a replacement word like 'oops' or 'oh no'

    but dont over react to it or it makes the word so much intresting to them.

    Maybe im off track with this, but maybe your on the kids backs about too many things, becasue u dont want them to be out of control, but i think its better to be picky with the things that you really get angry about, and try and make it the things that are detrimentle to themselves

  4. there are two ways to enforce desired behavior : 1. positive reinforcement 2. negative reinforcement.

    Since punishments are not effective, how about rewarding them for a good behavior? Like, you tell them if they do not say a cuss word for an entire week, you and your whole family would go to an amusement or theme park? or at the end of the week, you praise them.

    Reinforce this reward system by doing two things: 1. talk to them why cussing is a bad thing. tell them it makes people uncomfortable. 2. tell your husband to mind his language in the house.

    if all else fails, tell them if they can replace the word "sh*t" with "brownie" or something.

    good luck to you. ;-)

  5. The most important teachers of a child's life are their are punishing your children for something they have been taught by their parents.  Not to meniton the fact that using soap in the mouth is considered by CPS to be child abuse.  You scream, hit use soap because your children do something they learn in the home YOU provide for are abusing them.  As long as your husband continues to use foul language your children will.  Does this mean you will continue to abuse your children for it?

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