
What do i do? met someone i like but i have a personality disorder and i'm currently going through a bad patch

by  |  earlier

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I like him but right now i can't deal with even going out the house, so do i just lie and say i'm busy because i don't know him well enough to be honest about my disorder. Plus being a bit crazy is not usually a thing men go for lol




  1. I would just be honest with him about what goes on with you.  I am currently recovering from years and years of bad anxiety and ocd.  My guy goes through some mental stuff too and helps me with mine as much as he is able to.  Maybe he could relate somehow, and if he can't I'm sure he wouldn't be mean about it.  If he was mean about it then he's not right for you or anyone anyways.

  2. Do you mean you're depressed or something? If that's what you mean, you aren't crazy. Tell him that you need to get through that stage so he doesn't just think you don't like him.

  3. I guess if i was in this situation, I would try and explain to him that whilst i really liked him, I'd have to sort out some things before i could start seeing him, and that i hoped he could wait. Hope this helps!  

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