
What do i do my friend has turned into a lier?!?

by  |  earlier

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My friend was my best friend in the whole world and i could tell her everything but now she drinks and i cant trust her and i lost the love from her. And now she makes up lies about me to ppl what do i do?




  1. when somebody drinks so much it means he wants to forget about somthing that really hurted him/her !! should try to ask her and see if she kept something so big from u and u should try to ask her while she is driking cause mayb in reallife she doesnt wanna tell you! and see if u could help shes your best friend and am sure its so hard to see some1 u love going down........u shouldnt lose hopee do your best and leave the rest for god =) !

  2. well shes not a best friend.

    i am going through the same deal.

    my good friend lies to me about what she does, its so annoying!

    shes into drugs and drinks, i kinda stopped calling her.

    if she wants to be your friend let her come to you.

    don't even deal with it its her problem.

  3. dismiss her as a friend as she couldn't of never been a friend. Friends don't do that

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