
What do i do..?

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So the missionaries are coming tomorrow at 4 pm.

Would be it polite to ask them if theyd like a glass of water?

Our glasses arent that would it be better to ask about bottled water?

what about to take a seat?

ugh i dont know what to do!

help please

these are mormon missionaries, of course, and im very interested in speaking with them




  1. are  you  just  nervous  because  they  are  cute  or  what?

    people  dont usually  get  like  this over  religion

  2. please reconsider the visit altogether

  3. glass of water

  4. Just welcome them like you would anyone else into your home. "May I get you something to drink?" would work just fine.

  5. Ask them if they'd like something to drink, then hand them a glass and smile appologetically if you're embarassed about your glasses- but don't say anything about their condition... I'd say that'd make it

    if they are missionaries I assume they're not concerned with how nice your things are.

    And "please sit down," is nice too! Better than standing around starring at eachother.

    Just treat em as you would any guest, like family only... more formal of course. Just be yourself and ask your questions, I'm sure they'll be able to tell you're enthusiastic and nervous =]

  6. Be yourself, of course, and realize that they are young people, just like anybody else, who will enjoy being treated casually.  Talk to them as you would any other guest--ask about their family, their home town, and their interests.  Tell them a little about yourself, and help them feel at home.

    Water would be nice, but lemon-ade would probably be better.  As young people away from home, they might appreciate some nice dessert, some home-made bread, or some crumb cake.  Avoid coffee or tea, as these items contradict their faith.

    Have them seated comfortably and just be yourself.  You don't have to impress anybody--just be hospitable and polite.  It is always flattering and most cordial to talk in the terms of the other person's interests and to get others to talk about themselves, so bring some discussion topics to the table that will allow them to explain their perspectives.

    For example, during the course of the discussion, you might ask them to explain important events from their history.  Ask them to explain the Mountain Meadows massacre.  Ask them to explain why black people could not hold the priesthood in Mormonism until recently, and how that is related to the "war in Heaven".  Ask them to explain how Elohim and Yahweh (Jehovah) are seen as two separate gods when Deuteronomy 6:4 explains that Yahweh IS Elohim (in the Hebrew). (Elohim simply means God, and LORD in all caps is the English rendering for Yahweh or Jehovah).

    Finally, show them Isaiah 43:10 where it says that there was no other God formed before the LORD (again, that's Yahweh in Heb.), and that no other god will be formed after him, and ask how that scripture jibes with their doctrine.  Be prepared for some most enlightening answers.

    Your job as a hostess is to ensure that you have a good, hearty, worthwhile discussion that will interest your missionary friends and prove to be eye-opening for yourself as well.  This short list of topics should help.

  7. Just be yourself. treat them like any other visitor to your home, they are people first and Mormons second.
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