
What do i do. school is about to start

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if you have no clue what im talking about


his school year is about to start. in fact, my wife is worried that something like that can happen again. (or something like it)

i cant control what happens at school, so what do i do.

(his school has had stuff like that happen when kids cut class as stuff like that, just to see one-another)




  1. Well number 1, your right, you cant control what happens at school. You should tell him the effects of s*x, STD's, pregnancy. Tell him its perfectly normal to explore your sexuality, but maybe it would be wiser to focus on class right now. Also dont pry. Dont get into his buisness. Dont make a huge deal out of it. Just like throw it out there sometime like it was an article in teh paper or something about a teen boy that was now giving up his dreams as a basketball player and having to become a father at a young age. Also tell him you love him and care about him. Alot. Teens dont seem to realize that there is always someone that loves and cares for them all the time.  

  2. I don't think he's gunna do it again.

    But please explain to him what "protection" is.

    and give him a few condoms.

    Tell him that if he doesn't listen to what you have said to use a condom this time.  

  3. If I were in your position as a parent of an irresponsible 12-year-old (aren't nearly all of them) who defied my authority and engaged in a sexual relationship at school, I'd be doing a few things.

    One, I'd be complaining to the school board that my child was not being adequately supervised during school hours and that if there is a negative consequence for my child, they'll be hearing from my attorney.

    Two, I'd get that kid in a different school, even if it made things real tight financially. A Catholic school (regardless of your beliefs) is going to include far closer supervision, rigid and clear expectations, and teach him that personal responsibility is huge. This is a lesson your son clearly has not yet comprehended. A fresh start, away from friends who turn a blind eye or even admire and encourage his sexual escapades, seems necessary, and an all-boys school a good place for it.

    He will, of course, hate you for it. But remember, kids that age are going to find something to hate you for, no matter what you do. By the time he's in college, he may well be thanking you.

  4. You should be honest with him but you cant try and snoop round finding out if he is.

    Also dont control him like not letting him out he will learn the hard way

    but you could go to the school comitee to increase dicipline not letting students out of classes unless emergency because then he cant meet up with some one during lesson time

  5. tell the teachers and make a big thing of it ask him about his lessons then you will know if he has been skipping class idk snoop  around talk to the girls perants  embarass him as much as you can so he won't do it  

  6. u son needs to be responsible for himself and his body. If you must tlk to him...go ahead...but me as a teen would feel terrible if I had nothing like that on my mind then my parents talking to me about it?EW!!!!Sorry but its true.

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