
What do i do????? shes stalking me?

by  |  earlier

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Ok theres this girl and i met her one morning when i was walking to school and that day after school she came to my house and wanted to see my room so i took her into my room and hung out for a little bit then she started asking me for all my make up. So i let her pick some out then she wanted some grapes from out back so i said sure why not. well we go hang out with some of my friends and they dont get along with her and she says some really mean things and walks away. The next day i go out side and shes standing right there!!!!!! It scared me really bad and shes there every morning waiting for me!!!!! What do i do to make her stop????




  1. Tell her nicely that she's a bit pushy (it certainly sounds like it). Is she new to the neighborhood and/or school? Let her know it makes you feel uncomfortable when she waits for you every morning and that you'd prefer it if she'd stop. If she still doesn't back off, see if your mom or dad can drive you to school a few days, this should give her the hint. If they can't drive you or help in any way, talk to your school counselor. They should be helpful.

  2. You had no way of knowing how unbalanced she was, but now you do and that is what your friends recognized. You need to be careful here, just be polite but really busy and in a hurry and if there is any way you can, vary your times coming and going and see if you can get a ride to school for the next few weeks even if you have to go with someone or pay for it or get your parents to take you because you need to break this before it becomes a pattern. Be polite but do not let her into your life in any way shape of form, do not invite her into your house or give her anything and above all, do not encourage her. You never know how people are going to react. She may just be lonely, but she is also disturbed and could be bad news.

  3. Talk to your parents so they are aware to watch out for her since she makes you uncomfortable, see if you can get a ride to and from school for a while and when you do walk tell her you would prefer to walk alone. Good luck~

  4. She does sound a little creepy but she may just be in need of friends. Because of her slightly off ways of treating friends a lot of people are probably rude to her and when you were nice to her she took that as a sign of friendship and ran with it. The best thing you could do is ask her for a little space.

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