
What do i do to get rid of bed bugs?

by  |  earlier

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do i need to wash all of my clothes and the carpets and how do i clean my mattresses? i've had about 5 bites in the last week and they last about 4-5 days and i'm not sure how to get rid of these b******s.

ps: hole in mattress. can they be in there too?




  1. Bed bugs don't spontaneously generate.  If you have them in/on your mattress someone would have had to bring them there on their person.

    Have you recently been sleeping in hotels/motels and have possibly been exposed to bedbugs?  Have you recently had someone in or use your bed?  If you are answering no to these questions you don't have bedbugs.  That doesn't mean you don't have bugs in your bed, but they aren't bedbugs.  They are more likely to be fleas from pets.

  2. Ash rd,

    They can be in the hole, they can be behind the baseboard, tehy can be lots of places.

    The mattress is a hard one as you need to sleep on it so you do not want to dump chemicals all over it.  perhaps try a chemical free contact killer:

    The one that I see mentioned most is made by a company called Kleen-Free and is called BedBug Terminator.

    It is an enzyme type product that breaks down the skin of eh bedbug and kills it on contact. you need to spray the bug and everywhere that they may be hiding and continue this for a few weeks but some poeple have said that this worked for them.

    Maybe talk to the company that makes it for more info.


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