
What do i do to keep my hair like this??

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i straighten my hair and its soft and shiny, and straight.

but then a little later...first period later, it gets all wavy and crappy.

so what do i put in to make it STAY straight all day?

i've tried treseme hairspray, but it DOSN'T work. so now what?

can anyone help my hair problemo?




  1. maybe its your straightener. It seems like those kinds that you have to use like 10 times day to make it stay straight. I don't mean to sound mean, but maybe the straightener isn't one of good quality.

  2. What brand of straightener do you use? You may have to shell out the big bucks for the expensive pro-salon ceramic type.

    ....OR try japanese hair straightening. You have to go to a salon to do it. And it's expensive. But it works and it's permanent.

  3. VASALINE! It works every time. Use a very small amount, like, a fingertip-full. Spread it all over your hands, front and back. Then carefully glide it through your hair using your fingers. Not to much in one spot, it'll look greasy. Carry it in your purse, along with a brush or comb.  

  4. Use a hair gel.

    1.Straighten your hair.

    2. Put a small amount of gel in your hands.

    3. Run your fingers through your hair in one spot a couple times with the gel on your fingers.

    4. Run your iron through that spot where the gel is (let the gel dry a little not too much about 2-5 minutes).

    And repeat in a different spot in your hair

  5. if its humid out, or rainy then it will curl up so stay away from that. And try straightning gel-you put it in before and/or after you straighten your hair, i use Pure Shine- Suddenly Straight, and it works really good, and i have really curly hair too, and i straighten it out a lot.

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