
What do i do to make my dogs stop fighting?

by Guest66781  |  earlier

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okay, both of my dogs are female, unspayed, one is a really big 43lb dachschund mix and the other a lab mix. here lately they have been fighting non-stop. they usually don't fight but here lately they've been at each others throats. i tried pooring water on them as suggested when they would get into it, at first it worked great and now it's like it doesn't phase them. now i know the dachshund is rather agressive when it comes to food so i feed them separately. i've called local vets asking about spaying them and none will do it because of the ages of the dogs. can you please tell me what do i do to make them stop?




  1. are they too old to spay?

    spaying would eliminate your problems most likely.

    I don't know what else you can do.  Just try to eliminate things that may trigger agression like picking up favorite toys ....sounds like one of them is jelous.

  2. There's something that sparks them and keeps them fighting.

    Take them on long walks.  Play with them both.  I would go to Cesar Millan's site.  He's great will all those pits---- and watch him and other dog trainers on cable tv

  3. its b/c they are both unspayed... hire a professional to help with training

  4. first of all get them spayed this will not elminate the problem but could help.   Find a vet that will do it.  How old are these dogs?   I have seen dogs up to 10 yrs and older get altered.

    Seperate them do not allow them to be together at all.   They have come to the point that they just don't like each other.  

    That happens with dogs regardless if they have grown up together or not.

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