
What do i do to make my sister shut up when im online?

by  |  earlier

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Every time i get online and she see me she bothers me tell i get i need a good way to make her shut up and leave me alone for awile




  1. how old is she??

    if she is 8 and below keep her busy with something like drawing and playing with a toy or on the playstation

    if she is older than i have no clue but you could make a deal with her bout something the older kids like it like going to the movies or the mall together but when you promise her you should do it with her or she won't trust you

  2. Is she older or younger? You know doesn't really matter. My sister is younger than me and she bugs the heck out of me when I sit down to use the computer. The only thing you can do is ignore her. When she notices that you're ignoring her, she'll get mad at first and probably start really bugging you. But the longer you ignore her, she'll start to get the idea and either pout and walk away or be agitating and call in mommy or daddy.

    Don't worry about it. Make a schedule of who gets to use the computer on what day at what time and for how long. If she wants to play games, you play your games too. Make a sign-in sheet like they do at the library and let her know that once she uses the computer, that's it. Also, you can distribute usage time in a way where whoever has more work to do gets to use the computer for a longer period of time.

    If you want to do it the easy way, just lock the darn door if you have a door to lock. If you don't, follow the instructions above. LOL

    A good, "Shutup and go away!" might work too.

  3. i got the same prob. i go in my room lock the door, and block her out by listning to my ipod. SIMPLE. i f you cant lock the door, sit up against it with a mass of pillows. thas what i do.

  4. lock the door if she wants to go in ur room if the computer is in it or hit her and if that doesn't work make some deal with her.but don't let her trick u.

  5. maybe tell your parents that she is doing that. maybe ask her why she's doing it.

  6. Deactivate the bomb, when she approaches you and starts her stuff simply smile and say "You're Right"  and turn away. Over and over again for a week and a half and this will all stop . she will wonder why

  7. duct tape her too her bedroom door

    the inside, so your parents won't see what you did!


    Or bribe her

    Money, chores, something she wants, or a favor

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