
What do i do tomorrow if it happens?

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well today was my first day of school and i am ready to cry right now how do i make myself more happy in school tomorrow other then being sad all day?




  1. What exactly about school upsets you? The work? Not being home? Having trouble making friends? These are just a part of growing up and everyone has to get used to them. If the schoolwork is getting you down, find a way to get some help, like a tutor or asking for tips from one of the smarter kids in class. I used to hate being away from my mother when I was in middle school so she would slip notes in my notebooks or jacket pockets so I would find them throughout the day. Plus, reminding myself that I'm only away for a few hours made it easier to bear. Making friends is hard at any age but just being friendly and willing to meet new people makes it easier. Join some activities and get to know people who share the same interests as you. School is a great place to socialize and build vital skills for the rest of your life (even if it seems lame sometimes) - you learn to deal with time management, problem solving and reading personalities. If there is something else, something more serious bothering you and it leads you to feel helpless, talk to someone you trust like a parent or a counselor. But if you try to stay positive, you'll be fine. Good luck!

  2. well just talk to your friends and just have them comfort you

  3. You don't say why you felt like crying.  Try to figure out why you were so upset.  Something going on at home, with a friend, boyfriend, or?  

    It's possible you're nervous, just because it's your first day back at school.  A lot of the kids are feeling nervous, too.

    Try to think of something happy or enjoyable, when you get a thought that makes you feel like crying.  Keep your mind occupied with happier things.  Hopefully, you'll feel a little more at ease every day.  Do you have some friends you can hang with or talk to?  That might help you, too.

    If this seems an ongoing, serious problem, please get some help.  Speak to your folks, a trusted teacher, school counselor, nurse or other adult, okay?

    I think tomorrow will go better.  Give yourself a break and see how it goes.  Don't dwell on today, since it didn't go well.  We've all had really bad days.  Tomorrow will be better for you, I hope.

  4. Depends on whats making you sad.

    if your being bully'd, get a teacher involved.

    if your upset over having no friends,  look into any school activitys

    if your having anxioty, talk to a doctor

    if your having out of school issues that are upsetting you in school, sort them out asap.

  5. Just talk to people and have fun. If you worry then you're just going to be upset, and you'll stay upset. The first day of school is always the best! You may be nervous the first 1 or 2 classes, but after that you should be fine.

  6. Before I give you an answer, let me say.  Welcome to the club.

    Today was my first day of school, all my teachers are rude & boring.  all my friends are in the other classes, and I feel alone and depressed.  in the hallways i search for my friends just for them to cheer me up for the four minutes we have to roam the hallways between classes next to lunch.  it'll be alright we can be happy =]

    nine more months and we can be on summer vacation again !

  7. Look at yesterday and see what made you unhappy.

    Tomorrow don't do it or think about how you can make it better.  HUGS!!

    One day at a time with the goal to make each day better.

  8. Some jokes start a convo with the people around you table.

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