
What do i do when a guy stares at me?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short- theres this guy at my school, we are both seniors in highschool, who for over 2 years now i notice stares at me whenever he sees me. but usually from afar. i ignore the glances b/c i am shy and i get nervous when i see him. there are also things i notice such as once i was walking behind him and he saw me there and he stood up straighter. we have 2 classes together, yesterday in class he was walking to his desk and everyone was standing up to get seat assignments and i didnt think i was in his way but he bumped me in the back and shoulder and kept walking.

today in class he got up literally over 10 times during the teachers discussion, walked over to my side of the room, did something like staple papers or something..? and as he would walk by i could kinda notice him glancing at me. i just ignored it. i think he has no clue i notice. and he sits on the other side of the room facing the direction NOT facing me, but as he would sit down he would turn around a little and glance at me. if he does like me it would be hard for me to believe because he is veryvery popular and i am shy and was new to the school and stuff.

so i guess my question is, does it seem like he likes me? i wanna talk to him but im so scared in the classes i have with him i am so nervous i felt like throwing up.. but i really like him. hes always with his loud obnoxious popular friends which i hate and i wish he wasnt popular and friends with them what do i do???????we sit so faraway from each other.




  1. didn't read all of your story, h**l i just looked at the length of the paragraph and said forget it, but if a guy is staring at you and you find him attractive say hello and strike up a conversation. If hes a weirdo ignore him.

  2. yeah i think he likes u talk to him

  3. you mean to make a long story long...

  4. whoa long story......but anyways i think he likes you but if you dont wat to do when he stares just smile:) and thats fine..and maybe he will ask you out.

  5. well you forgot to mention if your into him r not! im assuming you are, SO heres some tips

    1. when he stares just glance sexily, blink, push your hair back, bite your lip and smile, and giggle, all highschool sweet heart things to do

    2. when he bumps into you, grab his shoulder, look him in the eye and say, my bad =] or im sorry did i hurt you? even if ou know you didnt

    3. try giving him your camera, and asking ot take a pic of your friends and you, if he says anyhting like you look great, say so do you. =]

    aaaand 4. when he walks across the room smile and look down, this is a signal to guys that hes embarassing you but you love it.

    this hsould leads to conversation, frenship, and looove =]

    jk but it shoudl work!

    good luck


  6. it def seems like he likes you. next time he looks at you, lock eyes with him and smile a little bit, then look away, then look back. (i know that sounds really confusing but try it).

    or if he is full out staring at you maybe try saying  'do i have something on my face?' say it nicely and maybe he'll try to start a conversation.

    good luck!

  7. Get a nice picture of yourself and put it in an envelope with a nice hand written note.  In the note say: "It appears you enjoy looking at me and I would like to give you this picture for when I am not around. My phone number is 123-4567 if you would like to phone and ask me out for a private viewing".

    You are basically telling him you are interested and now he better do something or stop.  It's now in his ball park to ask you out and if he does not, you have lost nothing other than a picture.

  8. Long story is long.

    Seems like he likes you. When you catch him staring at you, smile. If you have the guts go up and talk to him when his loud obnoxious friends aren't around.

  9. wow thats mad long

  10. 1. He might like you.

    2. He likes your personallity/Character (I doubt it if he staring at you)

    3. He wants to 1 night you.  

  11. just 0stop pretending you dont see him  smile at him or talk to him after class make up a stupid reason to ta;k to him and when his answers you bring up a conversation

  12. OMG that happens to me everyday everytime the guy looks at me i will always stare back cause for him it means that you are interested in him.

    good luck!!

  13. Next time he glances at you, smile at him. I was in the same boat lol. this will show you have confidence and you have noticed his attention. When you smile most likley he will look away, but he will look again to see if he got that right. Just smile slightly, and twist your hair as if your amused, then look away! hoep i helped!

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