
What do i do when a teacher is blaming you for something that you didnt do?

by  |  earlier

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well at school there is this teacher and she saying that i was saying mean things about this boy right ( which i wasn't doing) saying like hes a raper and stuff but i wouldn't say that about anyone. anyway i was with a bung of girls that are my friends and they were saying that stuff not me and the teacher says that she has witnesses that say that i said that i was saying stuff which i wasn't or anyway that what she said and now i might get into serious trouble for not doing anything and I'm head student at our school to so i will also lose my badge. i need some help or advice to try convince that i didn't do anything and those other girls did it? thankyou to anyone that helps me




  1. Theres no point trying to tell other teachers about it, because usually they stick together. So i think you should tell your parents about it, and see what they can do.

  2. Well, I've been in a similar situation. I went to the principle, but if you can't go to someone higher then her. If you are not able to write them a letter and express how hurt you are and how could she think of you saying these things. If you can get your friends to confess. If not they aren't true friends. Even if you have to cry a little. If that doesn't work have a one on one talk to her. You should even tell your mother to call the school. Oh and go up to the boy and tell him you weren't saying it. Tell him the story and sorry about the situation and that you should have stopped the other girls from saying it.  

  3. by the sounds of it, your in a bit of a situation there

    as a teacher they are human, they cannot  pick at every single detail even if they are the important ones, now my best guess for you is that they simply saw you in a crowd of girls who were doing the wrong thing...

    a lesson i learned a few years back was that you don't have to do anything wrong, you just have to not stop it, See you were still amongst your friends when it all happened, yet you didn't say anything like "common, hes not like that, he didn't do that, lets stop" so really you were putting yourself in that situation

    If i was that teacher, i would most likely assume the worst if a poor  boy was being bad mouthed in school, because although it does matter who is immediately responsible, you are responsible (as a leader by the sounds of it) to put a stop to it

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