
What do i do when both of my best frineds hate each other?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever i want to hang out with friend 1 friend 2 comes and then they start to fight. I want to make a schedule but friend 2 doesn't want one. Help!!! What do I do?




  1. You tell friend two, I'm not available today. I'm hanging out with my other friend. I can see you tomorrow. Tomorrow you tell friend one the same thing. You can't make them like each other, but you can make them respect your rules. Don't make a formal schedule. Just let things happen casually. They'll get over it. Real friends don't make you choose.

  2. The logical way to deal with this is the following:

    Given … Friends: F1, F2

    Where, F2 is not flexible, and you have implied that F1 is.

    You need to put down a vector override and stop this conflict from occurring. If F2 does not go along with your new rule and does not want to deal, then get another F, like F3 who will be flexible to your schedule.

    Better yet, drop F2 and get and F3 that likes F1.

  3. Well...I suppose killing one of them is probably I'd just not hang out with them at the same time.  So if your with friend 1, and friend 2 comes by or just tell them your busy or whatever.

  4. Enjoy life. hope they are not fight over you. work toward getting them to work together or keep them apart.

  5. try to avoid their drama and just be you. dont let them bring you down.

  6. Mediate;   Arbitrate ! !

  7. Ask each one separately why they don't like the other girl and let them confide in you what makes them so angry so that you might be better able to find a solution to their problem. Explain to them both as nicely as you can that you don't want them to fight at your house or they are not allowed over. If they can't consider your feelings because they are too concerned with arguing with each other, they are not worth being your friends. Most of the time when two girls are fighting it's over a guy. You should try to figure out if they like the same guy and that's why they are fighting. If that is the reason, maybe you could help find them new boyfriends.

  8. The best thing you can do is to stay out of it. You don't want to get in the middle of THEIR fight. They can't keep fighting for long, and a schedule might not be the best thing. I know if I was a friend I wouldn't want to have times planned out where I can hang out with my friend. If they put you in the middle of their fight, say, "You guys are both my friends and I feel uncomfortable being stuck in the middle of your fight." Just tell them it's hard being in this situation.

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