
What do i do when i cant find the pokemon i migrated in the grass?

by  |  earlier

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ive migrated 6 pokemon from pokemon leaf green but i can only find one of them in the grass !




  1. Depends on what type they are depends where you find them. if its bug then in the forest if its water typei you have to use suft to get it go around ever bit of grass and water until you find it.

  2. go to diamond&pearl pal park

  3. Like the first answerer said, It depends on the Pokemon's type. You probably migrated a few water types, so check the little pool and the ocean.

  4. there are different kinds of pokemon...... different pokemon means they are different areas..... depends on what kind they are..... example:

    if your looking for a migrated wurmple its in the forest area of pal in different areas

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