
What do i do when i click on regedit?

by  |  earlier

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once i get there

what do i do/?

look at it?

repair it?

delete files?

what exactly is it for ?




  1. RegEdit is for editing the registry, as the name suggests. You can look through your registry, edit files, create files, and delete files. If you don't know exactly what you're doing, you can do some serious damage to the computer, so I wouldn't recommend messing around with it, unless you have instructions on something to do in it (tweaks, hacks and stuff like that). Hope this helps!

  2. back up your registry before you do anything else, only enter the registry if you know what you are doing, be very careful in what you delete, if in doubt ask for help

  3. This is the Windows Registry, which stores settings and options of your operating system. Editing the registry without knowing what you are doing can damage your computer to the point in which it might not boot up. Since you don't know what you are doing, I would recommend you to stay away from the registry.

  4. regedit allows you to access the registry which is like the "brain" of windows. I would higly discourage messing around in there because you can really mess things up if you do not know what you are doing. If you NEED to make changes, get online and look up how to make a backup of your registry before you go and make any changes.  

  5. REGEDIT or Registry Editor. It uses .REG files. all of your windows settings are inside it. Including boot settings, Styles, record of installed progs. serial keys of progs..Styles..Themes...and many more..Any settings that you can think of. Thats why many people mess with this (ex hacks, messing with the windows theme or how the windows loads or behaves..messing with hidden settings of installed programs destroying nasty worms and trojans..etc..)

    I wouldn't mess with it if I were you because you can damage your settings If you don't know what you want to do. Thus, you might end up destroying your windows or programs. It is a very critical application.

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