
What do i do when my friend always talks about me?

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i have this one friend and she always talks about me.everytime i wanna say somethin back to her i get scared....because she will make up lies about me an eryone will be agansit me.she always she told a guy that i like she made up lies to him lies.about me and she even admmited it to me.know this guy pretnds he dosent remember me but he dose.everytime i talk to her she always has this guy on the line or forwords him the stuff i send her and she got inhe way of us cuz we re fine untill she started hangin out with him what do?im gettin reall tired of her c**p.




  1. ask her what's going on. if she doesn't stop, end the friendship now. delete and block her from all your social sites. if she still lies, its time to tell an adult

  2. She's clearly not your friend stop talking to her and don't give her any information about yourself anymore...she sounds like trouble....don't waste your time telling her off or confronting her if she's going to lie on you. Cut her off and move on.

  3. listen grow some balls and stand up for yourself. you need to get even with them trick okay. make some nasty **** about her. don't let her intimidate you mami. in the real world people get their hands dirty or you can be a p***y. its very simple

  4. Find new friends.

    she sounds two-faced.

  5. KARMA darling. one day someone or people will see what she's doing and not like her.

    and i know it's hard to just dump your friend. you can talk to her about it. most likely she'll deny it but just letting her know.

    i think you should stand up for yourself. and/or maybe talk to that guy and tell him whatsup.  don't be afraid of her, she's just insecure and im sure if someone stronger and bigger than her, she'll turn into a lamb.

    OH AND ALSO. she's clearly jealous of you. it sounds easy but yea don't talk to her anymore. or like i said before talk to her about it. GOOD LUCK. let me know how it goes. :]

  6. First of all she is NOT your friend. She is bad mouthing you to this guy because she is interested in him and wants you out of the way. She is attempting to break down your self esteem so she can feel and appear superior and to keep you from approaching this guy.

    You should stop hanging around her. As for the guy only talk to him when she is not around. Try something different. If you know what she has said about you then pretend that you started a rumor about yourself to see who was gossiping behind your back and tell him you did that and ask him if he heard the rumor you began about yourself and that it is not true so if he hears it not to believe it. This way it makes her look like a gossip which she is and it makes you look like you have a wild sense of humor. I tried this a time or two and it was very effective in getting people to stop believing gossip about me. But whatever you do dump her as your friend.

  7. First off honey, you gotta look up the word "friend." This b*tch is not a friend.. I can tell you that much. Stop talking to her. Cut off the communication.... it'll only end up ruining you more. s***w that girl.. you don't need fake friends. She is obviously jealous and trying to ruin things for you. My advice is to cut her off.. don't talk to her anymore or hang out with her. Let her talk her c**p.. but you make sure you stand up to her. You tell her that she needs to find something better to do than to make up bullsh*t lies about you. She is pathetic and needs to get over herself.

  8. I think you should do something and not only scared.Explain to your friend she is lies,and how she lies.

  9. You call this girl your friend, but she doesn't sound like a friend to me.  She sounds jealous and insecure to me.  Friends are supposed to have fun together and be able to trust each other.  Stop calling her your friend and make some real friends. Trust me - she'll miss you more than you'll miss her.

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