
What do i do with a benefit check for a hospiatl visit that i dont have a bill for?

by  |  earlier

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I got a check for a hospital visit in January but I havent recieved a bill for it. The check is made out to me but I dont have a bank account to cash it. Is there some other place to cash it or am I supposed to wait untill I get the bill and sign the check over to the physicans?




  1. I would wait a while with the check. If you are getting close to the expiration date (check the small print on the check) then open a free savings at a credit union and deposit the money. This is of course only valid if you think you will be getting a bill for the money. If you don't get a bill, you will need to return the money to whom ever gave it to you (they will figure it out and find you).

    Good luck with the bills/check (and whatever medical need you needed to get reimbursed for).

  2. ask them...ins writing the check

  3. Contact the hospital's billing department to find out the status of your account.

  4. You could wait for the bill and sign the check over to the medical provider.  (They may not yet realize that the insurance company sent the check to you, but they will certainly send you a bill as soon as they find out.)

    Or, you could also ask your insurer whether you can return the check and have them reissue one directly to the provider.  Explain that you don't have a bank account to use to cash it, and you would prefer it if they could issue the payment directly to the provider.

    I used to work for a large health insurance company, and we would void a check and reissue it to the provider upon customer request.  (They had to mail the original check back to us before the new check was reissued, of course.)  I can't tell you whether or not your insurer does this, but it certainly couldn't hurt to call and ask.

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