
What do i do with my 13 year old rebelling sister?

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my younger sister and i are 10 years apart. she has a boyfriend that is too old for her she is 13 going with a 16 year old. my younger brother and i have told her not to date him but she just tells us to shut the ____ up and mind our own business. we know hes not doing anything to her like that he seems pretty reasonable but we dont want our youngest sister goin with a guy that has a car, mustache, and a job as a bus boy at a sports bar. we dont want to tell our aunt and uncle because well then they'll send her away because lets just say she hasnt been a perfect angel since our mom past away and our dad ran off with his new bride. we love her shes always been the one to never get in trouble till now, so how do we get through to her that we dont want her with this guy?




  1. leave her alone, 13 to 16 isnt bad

    and as previously stated if you tell her to stop she will just rebel more and probably get angry at you and do something she will regret

  2. Itz a girl thing... we dont like to be told wat to do... but sooner or l8r she will come to her sences... just make sure shez not doing anything... and she will be ok.

  3. This guy is filling the void left by your father when he abandoned her. There isn't anything you can do about her feelings, as she's going to have to work through it. Unfortunately the statistics on this are not good...she'll likely get pregnant or run away with a guy (this guy or the next one) trying to mask her abandonment issues.

    If you can get her into counseling, that would be the best bet.

  4. well, you kinda need to let her figure things out on her own. as long as they aren't doing anything, i think its fine. i would hate it if my older brother were al in my business. i am 13 and i am going out with a 15 year old. we are both very religious and we where purity rings and everything so, nothing is going on. if she is he same way, she will figure out that it just doesn't work. we broke up 3 weeks ago. i know that you probably don't care what i say, but i know what she is going through and she really needs to figure this one out on her own. good luck!!

  5. its probably not a good idea for her to date him, but if you tell her shes  not allowed to date him, shes going to rebel more. i know this from experience. just talk to her about him, act like your interested, and keep an eye on her. if you find that their relationship is bad, then do something.

  6. Like the first post said, stay close to her....try acting more like a friend to her, ask about her bf, seem interested. She's gonna do what she wants, its better if you're at least someone she feels like she can talk to IF something bad does happen. If it lasts a couple more years and he gets to be 18, (and you know they're having s*x) get him on statutory rape. Seriously, if he's not a good guy.

  7. I know this may sound crazy but you should leave her to live her life. If you tell her she can't date him, she'll only see him in private. If she DOES stop dating him against her will, because you made her, she may go out with another boy who may be older or does drugs or something like that.

  8. probably because she's becoming a teen

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