
What do i do with my bf?

by  |  earlier

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my bf tried out for football and made it in and he doesnt want me to feel bored cuz im not going to see him alot anymore very rarely will i see him. so he is giving me the option to either not go out anymore,take a break, or still be with him. what should i do? and please remember i dont want to hurt his feelings!




  1. It's how YOU feel about him , if you think it's best to let him go

    you can do that because you two can always be friends =)

  2. You guys sound way too young. I think its pretty dumb he gave you those choices. Do whatever you want to do.  

  3. well its really up hes giving u the option

    but its no like football is going to be everyday

    im sure he could dedicate some time to u

    an taking a break doesnt really work one of u guys might

    find some1 else i think that if u really like him u should stay with him :D

  4. well it depends the situation, cuz what mihgt be really goping on, is that he might not wanna be wit u, he just doesnt wanna hurt you feeling, but if its not lyk that just tell him, thta u guys shud still stay close, but just take a brake

  5. That's ridiculous! If you really love him you shouldn't give him up! You can always talk to him on the phone or online. But why wouldn't you see him? Isn't it just because of after-school practice? Do whatever you feel is right for you, but, hon, this makes no sense to me at all. You're his girlfriend and if you really love each other, why would you break up just because he got on a certain team? I'm on the varsity soccer team and I have practice twice a day, and yet I still see my boyfriend all the time.

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