
What do i do with my volleyball team?

by Guest61276  |  earlier

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we have such a good team but we just dont like each other on the court we are always fighting argueing and bitching on the court and i dont know what to do. we have tried everything to to make it better but i never works what should i do?




  1. Our team had the same problem still do sometimes but we resolved most of it. Our coaches got tired of it messing us up so they made a list of rules, printed a lot of them out, and passed them out to us. They told us to leave our drama out of the gym and off the court. They also made rules such as if you bring your attitude and drama to a game or practice you won't play the next game also if you talk about people or hurt someones feelings at practice or during a game you will run so much. Just stuff like that. Just making punishments.

  2. say we will lose if we dnt stick 2gether we will lk idots so go out there and win and prove ur nt childish

  3. if they have nothing nice to say tell them to just not say anything at all, you guys are not there to talk to friends  you are there to play v- i right?.........just keep doing the best that you can and make sure not to be meen that will make it worse!!!!!!!!! just play good and thats all that matters,trust me ive had that same problem but not with the bitching!!! : )

  4. I would say that you should have a talk with all the girls and let them know that in order for you guys to function as team you have to be a team. A team is supposed to support and motivate each other.


  6. you should have everyone over your house one night, so everyone can get to know eachother.  have pizza&a big sleepover.  that is truley the BEST way.  Once they really get to know eachother, it'll be better.  if you want, you can even make them pass something around to spill how they feel ab0ut eachother or something&clear things up.

    good Luck !

  7. Play volleyball??  I would guess any way since it is a volleyball team!

  8. everytime it starts   make the whole team run laps,  do push ups or something that will catch their attention. .  and i mean the whole team !  you fail as a team you are held accountable as a team.   Be consistent with it and they will start holding eachother accountable

  9. try to have everybody over and bonding.

    my team plays really well together but there are a couple of girls that always mess up and we get mad at them and dont pass them the ball.

  10. Why don't you throw a slumber party together or just hang out and really get to know eachother.

  11. I'm not very good with it goes...

    1. try getting everyone to hang anywhere besides practice

    2. find out something they all like & start talking about it at practice

    3. start congrating everyone after a good serve(or whatever its called)

    4. start out small...have a small party before a game(or after if you win)

    5. if you cant have a party go walking around town with them

    6. ask the coach if you can do some drills to work together (that way if somebody does something good they'll be recognized for it

    7. see if the coach has anything to build freindship or teamwork

    8. if someone does a bad serve or bump then tell them they'll do better next time dont yell at them

  12. Thats tough. Teams need chemistry to be good, and you shouldn't stop talking because then no one will call the ball. You need to encourage eachother no matter how much it kills you. Learn to suck it up, and be nice to your team mates and they should return the favor.

  13. Try to bond with each other. if that does not work just play volleyball. If you guys work together well than everything should be ok.

  14. lmao at haha, just go out and play

  15. well try to be really nice yet not weird and see if things change dont talk to anyone unless you are spoken to and if so dont ignore them things will get better

  16. have a party, hangout with them, or have a sleepover. talk about things and talk about the team. if you guys bond then probably the problem will go away.

  17. everyone should just keep their mouths shut and play the game.

    try that.

    just tell everyone to be quiet and if they dont like it dont be a part of the team.


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