
What do i do with such an over protected dad!?

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my dad won't let me date till college every where i go he asks the same question " are there going to be boys" i went out with a few guys behind his back what should i do i am 12 i know im his only girl and i know i am young but how do i tell him ready to start dateing?




  1. If you think you're ready to start dating boys then not too far into the future you'll come to believe you're ready for sexual intercourse too. Do you know what just one mistake could do to you for the rest of your life?

    The "boys" aren't going anywhere. Neither are you, except to grow wiser with each passing year.  

  2. First, you are too young, Second, you have already broken your trust by dating behind his back..Your not going to gain anything that way. He is your dad and is TRYING to take care of you, Be a 12-year old and LET him.

  3. Well I kind of agree with him for the whole dating thing. 12 is a little young to date. I'm fifteen and am in no way ready to date yet. Right now you need to focus on school because that's what matters. And hon, I don't think you'll be able to change his mind. He's your father. Be glad you have one!!!!! If he died tomorrow you'd be devastated. I know parents can be a little tough, but he's just doing it to protect you. He loves you!!!  After all, boys only want one thing :/  

    And I agree with the one above me. don't be in a hurry to grow up!! Enjoy being a kid while it lasts!! All that dating junk will come eventually.  Just live your life loving your dad as much as you can! He sounds like a good dad :)

  4. i think you guys should sit down a have a heart-to-heart talk!!!!!!!! Good Luck

  5. You are only 12. So it is natural for your dad to behave this way.

    He doesn't want anything to happen to his little girl. But you are only 12.

    Do you know it scares us parents to hear a 12 y/o is pregnant. Or has been harmed by some sick pervert. Yeah, you are saying to yourself you can handle pressure, you're a big girl now; but you're still his babygirl.

    Now he will let you spread your wings when you are a little older, but right now....he is holding on. Be glad you have a dad who cares, not all fathers are in their childs life to even care.

  6. theres no way your dad will let you date at the age of 12 because youre not old enough..

    im a mother and i didnt let my daughters date at that have no idea whats involved in dating..

    just hang with your friends and quit sneaking around with boys...thats not good...

    dont b in such a hurry to grow up...

  7. If your Dad is really that overprotective... DON'T tell him our ready to start dating, or he'll have a heart attack. lol

    Tell him that you want to start hanging out with friends, and that he's going to have to realize that some some of your friends are guys. Tell him that you want to go to the movies with a few people, your best friend, and a guy. e.t.c...

    Then maybe when your 13, or more like 15, tell him it's time to start dating... b/c in high school, you have lots of dances in which you will need a date to escort you there, and you don't want to look like  a fool on your "first date" and you just need practice.

    Assure him that your not going to do anything bad. Tell him how much you learn about drugs and alchohol, and that the gross images they show you, are always in your head and you cant even think of trying those things.

    And even if you arent..... tell him your planning to wait to till marriage to have s*x. Tell him that you want it to be special and actually have meaning. And that no boy can talk you into doing anything.

    Then offer to have all your dates come by the house so he can meet them and talk to them... or even start out by simply having your date come by for dinner. It sounds corny

    but it will work

    what ever you do, don't start fighting with your dad, bc that NEVER works. It got me farther and farther away from my chances of dating at 12

    GOOD LUCK!!!! I know you can doo itttt!

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