
What do i do with the sasqautch i found in my backyard?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know whether or not to kill it. also every1 come to dance party pangea the sequal to dance party america!!the sasquatch will dance




  1. I have a cage you can borrow...

  2. Is it dead?  If so, you could sell it to a museum, like the American Museum of Natural History.

  3. Take it shopping for shoes.  You'll make the clerk's day.

  4. talk to it

    make it your friend

    give it a bath...

    and let me see it......

    and record it

  5. Eat it ... I'll be it tastes like chicken.

  6. Give it a bath, brush its hair, give it a manicure, dress it up in your best gear - take it to the dance, no-one will notice the difference between it and the local knuckle-draggers.


  7. sasQUatch

    don't kill it, that's murder

  8. If it's a female, bring it over and we can mate them with the male I have.  I'll take first pick of the litter, then you can have your choice. (They usually have triplets)

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