
What do i doo if i have a swollen and itchy v****a?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13 years old and my v****a has gone really red, itchy, and swollen.

i have read someone else's comment but hers is a little different and people told her to put vaseline on it,

i have tried that and it has Not worked ive also been cleaning it alot and puting on aqueose cream frequently when i sit down i feel as though i have something hard their and i realllllllly want it to be sorted out with out telling a docter as i get embarrased plleasseeee help me x




  1. It sounds like a yeast infection. Call your doctor or purchase some medicine at your local pharmacy.  

  2. This sounds like a yeast infection. You would need a doctor to know for sure this time around. They do have over the counter tests for this at the drug stores now too (walmart walgreens) You could test to see if it is and Yeast infections are so common and so very easy to treat. When I get a yeast infections as I am prone to them my v****a is swollen, red and itchy too. Its irritated. Treatment over the counter range from 1 ~ 7 day medications you insert into your v****a. I hope this helps.

  3. Get over being embarrassed. Unfortunately, as a women we get to go to the doctor for all sorts of awful things like this.  It sounds like a yeast infection.  If its not properly treated it will continue to get worse.  Tell your mom and go to the doctor.  Its really not as bad as you think it is.  Doctor do this all the time.  Yeast infection are very common and are caused by an inbalance in your pH balance in your v****a.  You did nothing wrong to cause it.  Tell your mom.  

  4. Our bodies goes through numerous amounts of changes as we grow up and grow older. I'm not sure if you have been or are sexually active. Depending on that factor it could be tons of things causing your condition. If you are not sexually active as you said you're only 13. Then you really should have your parent take you to the doctor because you never when it could be something serious. Perhaps a product you may have used irritated your privacy. Or it may have gotten on the inside and irritated your walls. You may need a doctor to prescribe antibiotics for you. None the less... try taking a bath in oatmeal. Oatmeal is a natural itch soother for the body. Or you could try bathing with Aveeno. I think maybe once the itching goes down the redness and swelling with go away with it. Hope this helps and I hope you get it cleared up.

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