
What do i feed 20 week old chickens?

by  |  earlier

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I bought 2 white breeding silkies at the weekend 20 weeks old. Not yet laying eggs. The person i got them off said not to give layers pellets or that grit stuff until they lay or it can force them to lay prematurely causing them to lay really small eggs, is this true? I thought they needed that to lay? I'm really confused. At the moment they are eating growers pellets coz i don't know what else or how much of something else i should give. Can anyone please advise?




  1. Once chickens reach 6 months old you can feed them layer or grower, either one is fine. It will not cause them to lay too early or to lay small eggs.Most people don't start feeding layer until the hens start to lay. All pullets lay small eggs when they first start laying. Are you sure they are hens(pullets) sometimes with Silkies it can be hard to tell. I hope they are hens otherwise you won't have eggs at all, since roosters don't lay eggs.

  2. All feed stores will have a special chick feed to give your chicks until they are old enough to switch to the adult feed.  Your chicks also do need grit at all.

    When they start to lay egss, then that is when you give them the supplements to keep them healthy through their laying years.  

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