
What do i feed a baby snake?

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philippine snake




  1. baby mice...

  2. pinkies  f/t( frozen/thawed), they are baby mice. I leave mine on a window sill to defrost and then put them in a bag and submerge them in hot (not boiling)water for a minute to ensure the organs are warm( if the organs are not warm your snake wont be interested) you test them for warmth by placing the pinkie between your thumb and index finger and if it feels cold then its not warm enough... make sure you don't over heat it as the organs will ooze out.. if you microwave it it is liable to explode...  i feed mine in a separate container, dangling the mouse with a pair of tweezers, then i leave it for twenty Min's to let the mice go down and then i plaice the snake back in the vivarium and leave it alone for at least 24 hours (i do this because the snake needs to digest its food and if you handle it straight away it is likely to regurgitate it, it if handled) hope i have helped! good luck with yr snake! oh and feeding it f/t is just as nutritious as live Robert r obviously doesn't know what hes talking about!

  3. you put a pinkie mouse in the cage or use tongs and hang it in front of his mouth.

  4. Pinkie Mice. Frozen thawed is best as Catie K else suggested, but the person who said to nuke it is wrong, you can end up cooking the insides, or blowing it up. Also, don't listen to Big Dog either, any decent breeder or reptile keeper will tell you to NEVER feed the snake in the cage it lives in. You either have a seperate tank, or a cardboard box to feed it.  

  5. feed it live pinky mice pre killed or frozen kills the vitamens and stuff and it shoudnt be any bigger that the biggest part of your snacks body

  6. babies, duh.

  7. mouse, you can buy frozen ones from a pet shop, then just microwave it for your snake

  8. The pinky mice is right on, I just wanted to add in case it gets lost in the other answers DO NOT MICROWAVE the mouse.  This will not heat evenly and your snake is likely to get parts that are still frozen and will make him regurgitate or parts that are so hot they burn his mouth.

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