
What do i feed my 18 month old hermans tortouise?

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What do i feed my 18 month old hermans tortouise?




  1. at this site you can download a free care book for your tortoise, but a herman needs a natural weed diet and plenty of dark leafy greens it basically needs to be high in fiber and low in protein here is a Recommended basic food plants:

    Dandelion (Taraxacum officianale)

    Hawkbits (Leontodon spp.)

    Sowthistles (Sonchus spp.)

    Hawkweeds (Pictis spp.)

    Hawkbeards (Crepis spp.)

    Plantains (Plantago spp.)

    Clovers (Trifolium spp.)

    Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) [preferred by T. hermanni]

    Cat's ears (Hypochoeris spp.)

    Vetches (Vicina spp.)

    Trefoils (Lotus spp.)

    Mallows (Malva spp.)

    Bindweeds (Calystegia spp.)

    Sedums (Sedum spp.)

    Ivy-leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis)

    Also (observed eaten by T. hermanni and T. marginata in Greece):

    Robinia (pseudo-acacia) leaves

    Wild clematis


    nettles    here are some sites to help you with your research  the tortoise trust is a great site as it has some really good articles on tortoise keeping which will help you, but you need to follow the care sheets on mediteranean tortoises  as that is what a herman comes under, best of luck honey  

  2. Here is a good article:

  3. Weeds weeds and more weeds, just like in the wild.  I am in the UK and I use the urban tortoise to buy seeds to grow, but I am guessing they can't deliver to the US.  Take a look their website though, it will give you an idea of what they like.

    Good Luck

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