
What do i feed my orpahn new born puppy??

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I got this new born puppy not knowing that it still needed its mothers milk i know dumb well what do ifeed him i cant take him back??




  1. You can buy formula and a bottle at a pet store and feed him until he learns to eat on his own.  


  3. How old is the pup???  That is the only way to know how to help you.

  4. go to a pet store and buy the replacement milk and bottle feed can buy it already made or the old is it anyways???

  5. Why do you have a newborn puppy? It needs to be with it's mother so she can take care of it or it will most likely die!

  6. Esbilac milk replacer for puppies.  This is available at most pet stores and vet offices.  Newborn puppies need to be fed just a little bit every 3 hours.  Also, if he is a newborn puppy, he needs to be cleaned about every 3 hours (after every feeding) because he can't pee or poo on his own either.  The mother cleans the puppies by l*****g them on their a**s and p***s until they pee and poo, so you have to do this by rubbing him gently on his privates with a cotton ball soaked in warm water.  Also, you need to keep the puppy warm and free from wind drafts as young puppies are not able to regulate their own temperature and can die if they get cold.

  7. Why are you not able to take him back?? How could you have not known the pup was a "newborn"? If you really are that ignorant to a dog then you really have no business owning one.

    How old is the pup? It depends on its age what you feed it. At best you need to try and find a surrogate mother to nurse the puppy until it is fully weaned. If you are unable to do so you can purchase replacement milk at about any pet store and depending on the size of the pup can either bottle feed it or feed it with a syringe.

    If the pups eyes are still closed then without it's mother or a surrogate mother or at LEAST someone who knows what they're doing with it, it'll most likely die.

    Find someone around you who knows what they're doing and ask for they're help.

  8. Well, if the pup is truly newborn, go to a petstore and get the replacement milk along with the bottles and other foster mother nursing accessories.

    If the pup is old enough he/she may be able to eat wet food, or maybe even dry food (possible a mix of both).

    Get the pup a nce soft bed and keep it warm. Make sure to keep it socialized, and give it proper health care.

    Please go check out books at the library, and call local breeders for their advice.

  9. go to a pet store they should carry some replacement milk. and small bottles good luck

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