
What do i get my in-laws for a Ruby wedding anniversary?

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Need ideas for a present.




  1. It was my parents ruby anniversary 2 weeks ago and me and my sis got their old wedding album out and made some copies of the photos and put them in a new album. We then had a party and everyone bought a photo of my parents and wrote a little card with a message or funny memory and we stuck them all in the book.

    We also manged to find the one colour photo from the day and got a replica of my mums bouquet delivered to the house and tried to remake their wedding cake with all the decorations in red not silver.

    They loved it and were very touched. We had champagne and a really good night.

    It's really difficult to buy an actual pressie as they've been together over 40 years and have everything so a nice gesture will go down well.

    Good luck


    this site has some really cool things for anniversaries

  3. Red glass is a great alternative to spending a fortune on rubies, you could get a red glass vase with a bouquet of red flowers.

    If they like their wine you could buy a bottle of ruby port or red wine.

    1968 is also a good vintage for wines so you could have a wine from the year they were married.

    You could use the 1960s theme and organise a party!

    More general ideas are a voucher for their favourite restaurant, a red album filled with the story of their marriage, 40 small gifts wrapped in a big gift basket.

  4. You could get them a couple of posh champagne glasses maybe, or some of those statues that every elderly couple loves. I can't see you going wrong with some nice delicate glasses though

  5. How about a pretty photo frame (preferable with rubies somewhere in the design, or at least with the colour red) and then see if you can get a copy of a photo from their wedding day. I would try and track down a photo that they haven't got in a frame or album already - try asking other relatives to see if there are any long lost photos hiding away in an attic or cellar to really surprise your in-laws. If you can't get hold of a photo, how about the front page of a newspaper for the day they got married? I've given 2 links below, one American, one British for the newspaper idea.

  6. You can try find it on this site any ideas:

    good luck

  7. A bottle of Ruby port and a decanter

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