
What do i have to do to be a model for mayc's, jc penny ect.?

by  |  earlier

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i am wondering on how i can be a model for mayc's and stuff. u noe wen u get those buckelets in the mail, yeah be in those.

at first i thought u had to go up on the counter and ask. but i guess thats not how it works, i think..

so can u please tell me on how i can be a model for those stores?

thank you




  1. first you have to become a model at a modeling agency such as Red or Request D.N.A, etc,

    The agents at the agency have to like your look and theyll either give you a contract or turn you down.

    then you have to gain experience by going on castings, doing little jobs here and there to get your name out there and maybe one day youll get chosen by the Macy's designers to be used in their catalougue that season.

  2. You are a looong way from there.

    You need to make a portfolio and become a part of an agency.

    Then when they are browsing if they pick you is how you become a model for them :D

  3. Hopefully being a model works out for you... because it's obvious that you didn't get along with english class very well.

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