
What do i have to do to be noticed buy the NBA or even get a scolarship?

by  |  earlier

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what must i do somebody just tell me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. 1. Become really good at basketball.

    2. Play basketball really well.

    3. Play basketball really well in front of the college coaches or NBA scouts.

  2. very very very very slim, think about it theres only 400 some players in the NBA and probably...... mmmmmmm 3,000,000 people in the world at LEAST that play college basketball or foreign basketball that hope to get to the NBA... so that would make your chances 3,000,000 to 1

  3. basically what the first guy said

  4. STUDY HARD! Forget the NBA!

  5. okay what you want to do is start to film your games and get a lot of good tape of yourself and keep all your stats per game then make a season and then a career.

    then start to look at schools you want to go to and send the film and stats to the coaches and if they like what they see they might give you a scholarship. good luck

  6. 1.Play hard

    2.Keep a decent grade point average

    3.Be consistant in everything you do on and off the court and you'll be well respected

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