
What do i have to do to get my husband legal and how much does it cost? i dont want him sent back 2 mexico-?

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somebody please help me i dont want my husband to get sent back to mexico i need to know how much it cost and how to do it? we have a little girl together me and my husband-




  1. Go talk to an immigration attorney. Tell them exactly what your situation is and don't worry they are not going to call in the immigration officials to come pick up your husband, they are there to help.

    And as for him having to go back for 2-10 years before he will be able to apply for his resident papers?? I do not believe this is the case, but again an immigration attorney will be able to tell you for sure.

    You should also expect at a very minimum cost of $500, to get things started at least. I know that the cost has gone up over the last few years so you'll have to check on that in your state office.  

  2. He can't be legal,he must return home. If he is caught here illegally he will be deported and face a ban. You should have thought about the consequences before you married a criminal.

  3. If your husband entered the US more than once illegally, when he makes an application, he will be deported and he will have a mandatory 10 year wait before he can apply for a US visa. If he is here for only the first time, the wait will be between 1 and 5 years.

    In your situation, most of the time, the family moves to Mexico.

    You may want to consult a lawyer about this, but this is one area where the rules are very strict.

  4. I am assuming your husband is here illegally because you don't want him sent back, so here is what you should do if that is the case:

    Well, you should see an immigration lawyer if you want to start the process, but here is what will happen:

    -first you need to fill out the form I-130 for your husband to get residency for the USA

    -you will probably wait about 6-9 + months to hear a response from immigration

    -once immigration contacts you they will say yes, your husband can get residency, BUT first he has to return to his country for being here illegally. They will probably say he will be banned from this country for 10 years

    -Next he will leave and go to his country and you will fill out another form which asks immigration to pardon the fact that he was here illegally and you have to prove that you cannot live your life with him in his country. He will be in his country for 2+ years IF they agree with the pardon. If immigration says no he will continue to be banned for however many years they said.

    -after he has spend his time in his country he will be able to return legally with a resident card.

    Note: You will have to be able to prove that you make enough money to sponsor him to be here. Immigration will need to see your income tax returns for the last 3 years and you have to make 125% of the poverty level. If you do not make enough money you will have to ask someone if they will sponsor him for you.

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