
What do i have to do to know when someone is calling while i'm using the phone?

by  |  earlier

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do i have to add another phone line to my phone service?

if so, how much would that cost?




  1. call waiting you should have it it will beep if someone is calling so all you do is hit the call button to switch

  2. Your phone should make a sound when someone is calling

  3. just get the call waiting feature added to your service!

  4. Just add call waiting and get caller ID if you don't have it. That way when someone calls you can also see who it is on the other line. Phone companies have bundles that will add this. It ends up saving you money on your bill

  5. It's called call waiting and while your on the phone you will hear a beeo, then you hit the flash button or push and release the receiver and it will switch you to the other caller, then you can go back by doing the same thing....

  6. there should be a little beep when you hear that and your already on the phone with someone else you tell the person that your already talking to "bye" or "hold on a sec someone's calling me" then you press "flash" or "line 2"  

    3-way calling?

    i think u press flash and then dial the # of the person that u want to talk with  and the person that your already talking to will also hear the conversation.

  7. just call and ask you phone company for "call waiting".  then your phone will beep when someone is calling, and you'll press the flash button to switch calls

  8. get call waiting

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