
What do i have to get on my asvab to go into infantry?

by Guest60977  |  earlier

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i want to go into the military for infantry when i graduate so i wanted to know what i have to get on my asvab so i can start setting my goal now




  1. I think you can score a 3 GT and a 0 QT... the same as a medic.

    You should aim higher and at least try for mess hall specialist. I think they have to have at least a 60. (I had a 105 GT but I didn't bother answering any of the mathematics questions... because I did't want a desk job.)

  2. Fortunately, Infantry (if I'm not mistaken) is among the easiest MOS's to get into. I'm pretty sure you can get in with a low ASVAB score, so don't worry!  

  3. Not very high. I'm thinking around 50. I can tell you that you don't need to get a really high score, it'll work against you and they'll try to place you in a so-called "more mentally demanding" MOS. I got a 98 on mine, and went PSYOP. A little too cerebral for me, in some ways I wish I would have gone 11B. Know this: there are only a few jobs in the military more demanding than 11B. I admire the Infantry, and you have to be pretty damned smart and able to multi-task under very high stress conditions. Tests don't always quantify a person's true abilities.

  4. Your ASVAB doesn't compute a score, the AFQT does!  You would have to score 39 or above on your GT, depending on what branch...Marines or Army!  The AFQT is the overall computed score in the percentile; the job fields are determined by the AFQT itself.

  5. You just need to be able to sign your name

  6. Army Infantry requires a minimum of 31 on the ASVAB.

  7. you could walk in and be like i wanna go infantry....and they would make the rest happen for you.

  8. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of

    MOS. Infantrymen must possess the following qualifications—

    (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy.

    (2) A physical profile of 111221.

    (3) Color discrimination of red/green.

    (4) Correctable vision of 20/20 in one eye; 20/100 in other eye.

    (5) A minimum score of 90 in aptitude area CO.

    (6) Formal training (completion of MOS 11B course conducted

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