
What do i have to say in the first day of school to a new classmate?????

by Guest66927  |  earlier

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i want to make more friends.




  1. just be friendly, smile & say hello

    try to ask them what classes their taking? how was your summer?

    I am sure you will make lots of new friends

  2. "hey, my name is ....... (your name), how are you?" then they will answer and you can just take it from there. but idkk if you're going to a new school or there's new people in your class but hope i helped any how. also, talking about the things you have in common is good. like music, sports, tv, school, life.... etc. God bless!!!!!! :D

  3. u need 2 b talkitive..u should ask them ur name and ask them wht they lke 2 do and stuff strt a conversation. dont b shy it gets u nowhere

  4. Just say hi and ask whats up and what you'd normally say to a friend

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