well i have been having pain all over my abdominal for about half a year now. I was hospitalized for 5 weeks back in February because of these pains. The doctors did so much test and everything and still as of now they can't rule out my pain. Sometimes when i breathe it hurts badly and it would wake me up from my sleep too.. also i would have vomitts, fever, and horrible bowel movements (like 2 to 3 times a month) and when these happens i always end up back in the hospital and STILL can't diagnose what i have.
I'mm 17 years old and have been worried ever since this happened.
CAN ANYONE TELL ME, if you guys know, WHAT IS GOING ON OR WHAT I HAVE? because this irritates me and scares me. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS TOO??? Anyone help... or suggestions would be great... thanks in advance!!!