
What do i have with these abdominal pains

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well i have been having pain all over my abdominal for about half a year now. I was hospitalized for 5 weeks back in February because of these pains. The doctors did so much test and everything and still as of now they can't rule out my pain. Sometimes when i breathe it hurts badly and it would wake me up from my sleep too.. also i would have vomitts, fever, and horrible bowel movements (like 2 to 3 times a month) and when these happens i always end up back in the hospital and STILL can't diagnose what i have.

I'mm 17 years old and have been worried ever since this happened.

CAN ANYONE TELL ME, if you guys know, WHAT IS GOING ON OR WHAT I HAVE? because this irritates me and scares me. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS TOO??? Anyone help... or suggestions would be great... thanks in advance!!!




  1. Sounds like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) to me.  I had it really bad when I was about your age.  Sometimes the pain would hit so suddenly, it would knock me to my knees.  Or, it would require me to get to the nearest toilet - NOW!  The only thing my doctor really did was tell me I wasn't going to die! (Nice guy, huh?)  It lasted a couple years, then tapered to just periodic bouts.  Maybe it is something you could bring up to your doctor.  Good luck!

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