
What do i include in a Powerpoint on fossil fuels vs. renewable energy?

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I have to make a powerpoint and write a speech based on fossil fuels vs renewable energy. My teacher never specified what information to include in our research. What do i include?




  1. fossil fuels make america many of jobs i work in the oilfield and i don'tt want obama to spend my tax money to buy oil from the middle east

  2. Include the following comparisons:

    1) Introduction of both, a brief history

    2) Explain types of fossil fuel avail, as well as types of renewable energy power generation.

    3) Advantages and disadvantages (including base costs - cheaper than renewable, emissions, power losts due to centralized fossil fuel plants) for fossil fuel energy

    4) same for renewable energy power methods (including high initial cost, lower power output, low emission, higher efficiency, recyclable fuels, and ...etc).

    5) Future of the two

    6) your thoughts.

  3. kind of depends on what you want to say.

    i'm sure the energy industry has power points all spiffied up, ready to use.

    i wonder if there's a version of this you can use?

  4. i work at the field museum in chicago and they have a remewable energy vehicle, if you want i could get u some information on it.....just email me at  

  5. Introduction


    Fossil Fuels

    > The Pros

    Lots of energy easily, fast!

    > The Cons



    Renewable Energy

    >The Pros

    World remain hospitablele longer!

    >The Cons

    Generally less oomph as easily, or it takes longer to get ahold of.

  6. be sure to be balanced. everyon always yammers on about how evil fossil fuels are and how great renewable energy is, but be sure to include positive and negative thigns about them all.

    ex: fossil fuels are (relatively) cheap and very efficient, but will run out eventually and may have adverse effects on the environment

    hydroelectric power is good and clean, but you flood a large amount of area, mess up ecosystems, fish migration, etc. with dams and there's not enough rivers to produce enough energy needed

    solar: expensive to start, high maintenance, toxic chemicals, inefficient, doesn't work great at night/when its cloudy, but it's super clean and cheap once it's paid for

    nuclear: incredibly efficient, very cheap, fairly clean, but potentially dangerous

    wind turbines: not super efficient, kill tons of birds, but otherwise clean. takes up a lot of land to have any reasonable amount of wind turbines. fairly cheap.

    etc. be fair and research from a lot of sources. try not to get information from groups that have a bias (for instance, from an oil company's website, or from and anti-nuclear group)

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