
What do i name my new pet mear cat??

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She's a beige colour (most like normal cats)




  1. You mean a MEERCAT, like on Animal Planet Those are very social animals who should be left in the wild. If you have a meercat ... well, that's just sad.

  2. name your cat what ever you want

  3. unlike, the first person who responded, i won't be rude.  I know it is possible to own a meerkat as a pet, however, i don't know much about them... I'd probably call it Mongo  because they are kinda like small mongoose.  I hope you know what you are getting into... this is what i just found out abotu them:

       1. Meerkats have a bad tendency to fight with other pets, which means large veterinary bills on both sides of the brauls.

       2. Also, they love to dig, which means HUMONGOUS holes in the floors, drywall, upholstery, etc., instantaneously.

       3. Meerkats are not able to be effectively house broken.

       4. Their diet in the wild is very expensive live insects and small mammals and reptiles, although they are fed raw meet in zoos.

       5. Meerkats are, duh, highly social, so it would be VERY cruel to keep them away from other meerkats.

       6. Meerkats BITE! They FREQUENTLY bite people that work with them. Their biting behavior is unpredictable, at best.

  4. Timone

  5. is it a CAT or a MEERKAT?

    their two different things.

    if its a meerkat it cant be kept as a pet.

    if its a cat name it anything.

  6. i think you should name your cat what ever you think is best

  7. meerkats can't be kept as pets, come on.

  8. Ameara Von Katzenburg

  9. I prefer human names.





    It makes people laugh when they ask what the cat's name is.

  10. OMG you have a pet meercat

    name it that name of the meercat in lion king

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