
What do i need for Jamaica?

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I'm taking a trip to Jamaica. (flying. and staying for a week)

What are some essential things i NEED to bring?

And what are some extra things that i might want to bring?

I've never let alone even drove out of state by myself yet,so any tips traveling out of the country would be helpful.





  1. I agree with Lia, but would add a couple of comfortable cotton dresses and a nice & comfortable pair of sandals for the dance clubs or going to a nice restaurant. If you are not on a tight budget, you can buy dresses and sandals there... functional souvenirs! Inexpensive dress are available from Nigril to Ocho Rios along the side of the roads and at craft markets; if you want something unique and more upscale Jamaica has some great designers so look for their stores. Please take any meds you might need. And a small bottle of Pepto Bismol just in case the spicy hot food gets to you at first. And do try all the fruit - Jamaica has dozens of delightful fruit.

    A final word of caution... you are going for a good time but TAKE YOUR COMMON SENSE and keep your head. There are lots of "professional gigolos" and all foreign women are considered prey. Jamaican men are charming and "gifted" if you know what I mean.  As a travel neophyte I suggest you read the book How Stella Got Her Grove Back. And finally please don't go off into the bush with someone you don't know in search of R&R. That's how people get hurt. You wouldn't do it here, don't do it there.

    Have a wonderful holiday... you are going to love Jamaica.

    I & I JA, One Love

  2. Ijust got back from Jamaica last month and let me tell you....bring as little as possible. If your staying for a week, I would suggest only taking a carry on and a bookbag. You will ABSOLUTELY need bug spray! But because of the new customs laws, you cant bring anything in a bottle thats over 3 oz so go to your local rite aid or duane reade and stock up on travel size deodorants, lotions etc. Other than that, pack a beach towel maybe 2 suits some tees, tanks and bottoms and tons of flip flops and GO. Also, do not change your money at the airport, you get a better rate at the cambios (there all over) and dont be pressured into buying junk you dont want.

    Print this out and take it with you, it will help you figure out the currency exchange

    You will have an amazing time, Jamaica is sooo beautiful and laid back...."no worries" is the attitude and you will adapt to it very quickly.

    Also, make sure you try the fruit, it tastes like it is injected with sugar, oh and akee and saltfish for a must

    How is miss Jamaica.....sigh

  3. Make sure you attach something bright to your luggage so you recognise it easily at Montego Bay airport as we found it a nightmare trying to find our cases as they all looked the same.

    Bring some sensible shoes to wear for Dunns River Falls... you have to do alot of walking and climbing so a good pair of shoes is needed for this.

    Bring all your own toiletries as it is quite expensive in Jamaica. The only thing i found to be cheaper than at home was the Hawaiian Tropic Sun Lotions and Australian Gold. Bring any tampons/sanitary towels with you if you need them whilst away as there not as good as the ones at home.

    You can buy disposable cameras and underwater cameras in most shops in Jamaica but if you have a digital camera you can buy the memory sticks really cheap at duty free at the airports.

    Loads of shops sell beachwear, sunglasses and tshirts really cheap in Jamaica. A good pair of sunglasses is always needed as the Sun is really bright on a clear sky.

    I found batteries to be expensive in Jamaica, 5 US Dollars for 2 AA batteries so make sure you bring plenty for your digital camera.

    and if you are planning on visiting any of the falls or wading out into the water (lots of sea urchins-ouch!), a good pair of aqua shoes is a good investment. I saw lots of people wearing their tennis shoes which I assume would stay wet for the rest of the trip.

    If you are staying at an all inclusive, you should pack at least a nice pair of pants (men) and a skirt/sundress (women) if you plan on going to the reservation only restaurants.

    A hat is also a good idea, the part on my head always burns and then peels


    Sunscreen!!!! The sun is very intense in Jamaica.

    Pack an underwater camera-I missed out on manatee shots because I forgot to buy one, they don't have them out in the country.

    A disposable camera is also not a bad idea if you are planning on being out on the water in case it gets wet

    I find beach time the perfect time to catch up on reading-magazines are good or maybe that 700 page book that you keep meaning to start.

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