
What do i need for a corn snake?

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i'm really interested in getting a corn snake. I have done alot of research, but i still need to know how much it will cost approximatley all together.

i live in england! any help would be really useful.





  1. Hey, here is a care sheet, it will answer your questions and more.

    The Corn Snake

    The Corn Snake has to be the best beginner pet snake there is to own. Available in a range of different colour morphs makes choosing exciting. They are easy to care, maintain, feed and like to be handled.

    What does a Corn Snake look like?

    This common snake grows to an adult size of approx. 2.5 - 5 feet. They are available in a range of different colours and morphs, but all of the corns have a "V" shape on their head. Some of the colours you can purchase are as follows; Albino, Black, Candy Cane, Fluorescent, Motley, Snow and many more - too many to list!

    If you want to own a snake for the first time, this is the ideal "Pet Snake". They have a calm natured, can be handled and easy to maintain and feed.

    Where are Corn Snakes from?

    They range from southeast America and northeast Canada.

    As with all snakes, they need a high temperature during the day to allow their food to digest. If this is not provided, the snake will regurgitate the meal back up to prevent this from rotting in their stomach. A temperature of 30C (85F) should be provided during the day with a drop down to 25C (75F) at night. The easiest way to provide heat is to place a heat mat under 1/3 of the tank and use a low wattage bulb during the day to stimulate the day time hours. The cool end must be provided with a water dish so the snake can maintain its own temperature.

    Available in different morphs and colours.

    Are Corn Snakes easy to keep?

    Yes, this is the "Pet Snake" to own!

    You can make the vivarium for your pet snake as simple or as natural as you want. A simply way for many snake breeders is to place them in plastic containers with a heat mat at one end and a water dish at the other. Simply use clean paper towel as a substrate and provide a hide. This is a very cheap way if you want to keep many different morphs or are planning on breeding the snakes.

    If you would like a natural set-up this too is very simple. Purchase a Vivarium (Contact us for sizes and prices), use a substrate like Fine Orchid Bark, Corn Cob or Cage Carpet. You need to place a Heat Mat inside 1/3 of the viv and use a small wattage bulb during the day. Provide a water bowl that should be changed daily, most snakes will curl inside the bowl when ready for shedding. Provide hides throughout the viv and maybe some climbing branches, as they will climb if given the chance. You can even purchase a background drop, like used in aquariums to give it that last finishing touch.

    Feeding Corn Snakes is very easy, defrost rodents can be purchased from us. The size of the food and amounts depend on the size of the snake. All hatchlings should be fed on baby pinkies (baby mice) every 3 days or so. As they grow, this can be increased to two pinkies every 10 days, then slowly increase the size of the food. It is best to make a log of when your snake eats and sheds its skin, as this will show good records if you ever decide to sell it on or if the snake is ill.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your snake..


    This very question will have been answered a dozen or more times. There is nothing those guys don't know, it's probably the best place for any newbie to start (like I did).

  3. Corn snakes have been repeatedly voted the best pet reptile for the last several years, challenged only by the leopard gecko and bearded dragon.   Good choice!  For one thing, I don't recommend wood chips, many are aromatic and can cause respiratory problems in snakes.  Try coconut bark mixtures, just be sure that they are not to moist.   Water bowls are also a good choice, corns love to bathe in them.  You will also need a rough rock of some kind, one that they can use to get their skin to start peeling when they need to shed.  (Their eyes turn blue when they are about to.)  Heat rocks are a bad choice, they can often burn reptiles, instead opt for a heat rock or a lamp.  Just make sure not to place the lamp to close to the edge of the tank, it will melt it.  And also, when buying a tank opt for one with clamps on the lid, corns are EXCELLENT escape artists.  I would go for a thirty gallon or larger, but smaller tanks will house them okay.  Go for a horizontal tank though, and good luck.  

  4. With a 20 gallon long tank, an under tank heater, a heat lamp, hides, a water dish and bedding it is about US $100-$150.  Plus the US $60 snake. I don't know how much that is in England money. I've owned snakes for 5 years and studied them very hard in the last few years.

    Oh yeah, after you spend that much money it is about US $6-$12 per month for food for the snake. I hope this helps...

  5. you need a tank about 15-20 gallon. you need a heat lamp. water bowl big enough to bathe in. and wood shavings. will cost you about with snake around 175-200 us dollars.

  6. well it depends on what u want many people keep corns in plastic locking tubs (like really useful boxes) with a kitchen roll substrate and a heat mat on a stat and a few hides made out of carboard boxes. this will cost u about £50-£60. if u want a nice looking wood vivarium with all the trimmings nice looking hides and some wood shaving as a substrate then your looking more at £100

    plus howeva much the snake is costing u

    if u ever need any help check out its the best UK based reptile forum

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