
What do i need for the baby by time it is born?

by Guest56695  |  earlier

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i have:diapers(newborn size in one pack),baby shampoo,a pack of 8 terry cloths,5 recieving blankets in a pack,diaper rash ointment,socks,bibs,baby wipes,baby powder,a comb and brush set,2 pacifiers for 0-3 months,and i only had one shirt b/c i did'nt kno wat i was having when i went shopping.and i'm going 2 breastfeed so do i need anything for that besides nursing pad/bras and a breastpump?




  1. I would get about 3 packs of size 1 dipers also im sure you are not going to want to run out after the little one is born and they go to 14 pounds unlike newborns that are up to 10 pounds can never have enough dipers,i would also say a med, kit with a med, dropper clippers and nose sucker!! Do you have your car seat? Wash clothes? Bottles just incase your milk does not come in or you can not breastfeed, But i would get the nursing bottles so you can pump. Make sure you have pads for you to after the baby is born you will bleed for around 2 to 3 weeks so i would get plenty of them to Good luck and congrats

  2. all that and then some - add,


    bassinet or crib (or pack-n-play) - also mattress pad and sheets

    baby bathtub

    baby bath towels and baby lotion

    burp cloths (i liked the gerber flannel ones)

    thermometer & infant tylenol (tylenol not just for illness - used before immunizations as well)

    onesies (plain white ones will do for now)


    coat/hat depending on season

    a blanket thicker/heavier than receiving blankets

  3. wow i think thats it!! congrats xxxxxxx

  4. Hello.Baby wipes or cotton wool and baby lotion.

    Baby bath liquid.

    Easy access tops for you.

    Babygros or similar.

    A baby sling.

    Crib sheets or pillowcases to use on mattress.

    Sun hat or warm hat.

    Baby towels.

    Ba by bath sponge.

    For the Hospital:Old nightie to give birth in.


    Maternity sanitary napkins.

    Lots of big panties.




    Bbay clothes.


    A book.

    Try the website Bornfree!

    Open front nighties or easy acess pyjama top

  5. one of those lil medicalsaftey kits that have the bulb syrnge and thermometer and finger nail clippers. side snap onsie (so they dont bother the umbilical cord, and if your breastfeeding you will absolutly NEED nipple cream. everyone i know has told me to make sure i have some. they recommend the lanisoh kind. you can get it at walmart or target. you will need a carseat as well

  6. Baby Supplies You Need

    As you begin to get ready for your baby to come home, there are a few essential items that you'll want to make sure you have. Many of these items can appear on your registry as baby shower gifts. Otherwise, you may want to purchase them at your convenience. The more you plan ahead, the more relaxed and ready you'll be when you bring your baby home.

    Here is a list of items that you'll need:

        * Crib -- the side should go down quietly and easily

              o Sheets (3-4 sets). Flannel sheets are nice in the wintertime.

              o Mobile or noise machine.

              o There should be NO loose toys that can strangle the baby or pillows/soft bedding that can suffocate the baby. Do NOT install loose or fluffy bumper pads.

              o Make sure everything in the crib is age-appropriate.

        * Changing table supplies

              o Diapers -- plenty of them (8-10 per day).

              o Baby wipes -- unscented, alcohol free (don't get too many because some babies are sensitive to them).

              o Vaseline -- good to prevent diaper rash, and for boy's circumcision.

              o Cotton balls or gauze pads to apply Vaseline.

              o Diaper rash cream.

        * Rocking chair with a footstool

              o Pillow for resting arm when nursing.

              o "Donut" pillow helps if you have an episiotomy.

              o Blanket to put around you and baby when it's chilly.

        * Clothes for new baby

              o One-piece sleepers (4-6). Gown-types are easiest.

              o Mittens for their hands if they scratch their faces.

              o Socks or booties.

              o One-piece daytime outfits that snap (they are easiest and most functional).

        * General items

              o Burp cloths (a dozen, at least).

              o Receiving blankets (4-6).

              o Hooded bath towel (2).

              o Wash clothes (4-6).

              o Bathtub -- one with a "hammock" is easiest when they are tiny and slippery.

              o Baby wash.

              o Shampoo.

              o Nursing pads and nursing bra.

              o Car seat -- properly and securely installed before leaving hospital.

  7. You still need bottles just in case you pump and want to bottle feed the baby. But that is up to you.

    Lots more diapers if you can get them mind as well lot of wippies.

    A crib, diaper bag that is what I can think of right now.

    Have fun and plenty of patience. :o)

  8. well, if you are going to pump, then get bottles. Otherwise you need more sleepers and onsies, a bassinet, crib, changing table, sheets for bassinet and crib, a swing, bouncer, car seat, burp cloths probably more receiving blankets...spit up and p**p happen.....more diapers...not too many newborn size....towels, special laundry soap for baby's, playpen

  9. You will want more receiving blankets...typically, one for each feeding and for swaddling.



    -Scratch mittens (only buy one set in case your baby isn't a scratcher)

    -Lots of sleepers

    - carseat (usually cheaper when you buy stroller and carseat together)

    -head rest for carseat if it doesn't come with one

    -bassinet or crib

    -sheets for bassinet/crib,

    -you'll want lots of diapers (you can also take some from the hospital), -a thermometer might be a good idea

    -maybe a mobile if you have a crib

    -newborn bathtub..I imagine it's hard to bathe a newborn in the sink..i've never tried it though.

    Congratulations and Good Luck!

  10. baby's go to the bathroom alot (p**p) 6 times a day is normal so times that by a week that is 42 diapers in a week if not more , so stock up on diapers and wipes big time unless you want to go to the store all the time to buy them, get newborn and size 1 anything you don't use you can return  

  11. Only thing missing is the bottle.  I know you're breastfeeding, but you should have a couple of bottles on hand just in case.  You might want to pick up another pack or two of diapers.  They don't last very long, especially with your first baby.

  12. You may want to pick up some lanolin (it will help with soreness when you breastfeed), and get lansinoh disposable nursing pads.  Best brand, and you won't ever leak through like you will with cloth.  Breastmilk bags are a must if you plan to pump at all (you can freeze you milk for six months), and obviously you need a carseat and bottles.  If you need any help,  

  13. You will also need more diapers.  You'll go through about 10 a day.  Newborn sized diapers they grow out of pretty quick so also have size 1 diapers on hand. Bath towels and burp cloths.  Clothes for sure!  Since you dont know the s*x of the baby just shoot for greens and yellows.  Maybe just get p.j's for now this way the baby will have something to wear.  Onsies (t-shirts) are a staple. Car seats, stroller, bouncie seat, swing, changing table, crib.  Since breastfeeding, I would recommend a boppy pillow.  It wraps around you so that the baby rests on it and not your sore tummy.  Good Luck!

  14. you sound just about ready as long as you have something for the baby to sleep in

  15. Okay...I just had a baby three weeks ago and my little guy has went through literally over 300 diapers, i swear, you might want to stock up and you can NEVER have too many wipes especially if you are breastfeeding as the baby will be probably be pooping after every feeding. Also my baby has lived in nothing but onsies (unisex, white ones) since he was born so you could just get a couple packs of those. I would also buy a couple more recieving blankets because of spitting up and if you have a boy like me, those accidental spraying incidents,lol! I would get plenty of maternity bras also if you dont have them already. Congratulations and good luck!

  16. Sounds good.  Be careful though, some babies are have very sensitive skin.  Not all babies can use the same diapers, wipes and ointments.  Dont worry, just something to know.  I had to switch my sons diapers 4 times before I found one he could wear without breaking out.  Good luck.

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