
What do i need in a camping trip? ?

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were going to go camping next week to the beach i have never gone before so i wanna know what i need besides the tent a sleeping bag sun block and stuff.




  1. You need a flashlight, a stove or BBQ grill, pack plenty of warm clothes (the temp can change radically at the beach depending where you are), you probably want an air mattress or some kind of padding, you should take a first aid kit.  You should take SOS pads to clean your dishes or take paper plates etc.  You may need to get fire wood as some places do not let you pick wood off the ground.  Remember to lock up you stuff to prevent animals from getting in.  Raccoons got our stuff on our last beach trip.  Oh yes, don't forget to bring coins for the showers and your own toilet paper.

  2. A tarp to put down  under the tent to keep it clean and also to keep out the ground moisture.  

    Hammer or mallet to pound in stakes.

    Waterproofer spray in case your tent has not been waterproofed.

    Cooler with drinks and ice on them and it's for anything that needs to be refrigerated.

    A jug of water and ice to drink, 1 or 2 gallons unless you have bottles of water in your cooler.

    A jug of water to use for washing, 3 gallons

    Wet wipes.

    Toilet paper.

    Paper towels, paper plates, plastic silverware, and other stuff you need to cook with.

    Logs, fire starters, newspapers, lighters if you can have a fire.

    And don't forget the marshmallows, hersey bars and graham crackers for smores also the long marshmallow cooker poker thing.  


    Folding lawn chairs.

    Pillows and a blanket in case your sleeping bag is too hot.

    Frisbee, other sports equipment.

    Sweatshirt or jacket.

    2 pairs of shoes in case one gets wet.

    A portapottie unless you are useing the public ones.

    First Aid kit.

    Bug spray.


  3. towel, AVON skin so soft...keeps the bugs away and smells good, baby wipes (small package, but comes in real handy), sweat shirt, aloe vera gel - in case you get fried, feminine-hygiene goodies if the timing blows, and most important...your own stash of comfort candy/snacks!!!

  4. Basic camping supplies would include:

    Pocket knife


    Flashlight / Lantern

    eating utensils and mess kit (plate etc)

    Cooking equipment


    sleeping bag

    air mattress/cot

    bug spray


    Change of clothes

    Rain gear if rain is possible



    Good book, binoculars, camera

    Pack light and you'll have a great time

  5. bug spray and itch cream.  

  6. under ware,  

  7. here is a checklist you can print out

  8. A lantern or flashlight with extra batteries. A poncho, change of clothes, bug spray, snacks, pillow, lighter or matches (put them in a Ziploc bag).  

  9. There's a lot to consider, But I'll list a few things I take,

    Paper plates

    plastic utensils

    a cutting knife

    pots and pans



    over sized tarp

    lots of water

    matches (water proof)

    marshmallow sticks


    Lounge chairs

    theirs more but I don't want to over whelm you. And Remember to relax and have fun.;)

  10. comb, toothbrush, paste, creams, perfume, towel, shoes. lots of shorts.


    hair bands.

  11. well i go camping every year! you should try packing bug spray and itch cream. clothes. tooth brush. brush. ipod. camera.... any essentials! it's your choice! can you please answer my question? just type in will walmart sell jonas brothers stuff and magazines? in the questions box! thanks!

  12. clothes for every type of weather-unless you live in, like california or something. I live in michigan so, the weather is pretty unpredictable and bipolar as ****. I don't know how rustic you're camping but if it's pretty rustic bring food you can cook over a fire, popcorn, smores, hot dogs, pie makers with long handles.. etc. bring an extra blanket. bug spray, and a roll of toilet paper. toothbrush, soap, shampoo, etc. towels.  

  13. air mattress or thermorest

    water, matches, food, good shoes, lots of sunblock and use it.

    Book to read, miniature table games or deck of cards.

    pillow, extra blanket.

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