
What do i need in order to open up a day care center?

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What do i need in order to open up a day care center?




  1. Check your State Licensing Requirements online or call to your city office for particulars.

  2. you have to get approval from health dept

    you have to have so many square feet per child

    you have to have adaquate kitchen facilities

    you have to have licenses/permits/zoning, etc

    good luck

  3. I noticed you are not currently in the united states. So things may be different there. If they have any agency's that assist family's in need with paying for day care, they can tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. You will need to have so much space per child, bathroom requirements, locking storage for your cleaning supplies, separate storage for your indoor trash, locking storage for medication, you will need health and first aid training, you will need adult and infant CPR, you will need  nutritional training, you will need adequate transportation, and or an assistant depending upon how many children you plan to have at the day care.  you will need a secure are for out door play, you will need to have a out line of services you provide, you will need hours of operation, fees schedule for services, penalty fees for parents who are late (pick up after hours) you will need a rules and regulations handbook.

    I hope this helped you. I was only planning on opening a small in home daycare, and these were the things I can remember that I needed to do before I could open. There are programs that will help with funding for start up costs, and what not. Good Luck!

  4. Call your local department of job and family services and they will direct you to your area's licensing specialists -they send you a checklist of everything you have to do. Pretty overwhelming at first but if you tackle them one at a time, it's doable!

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