
What do i need to do about this guy?

by  |  earlier

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ok there is this guy that i really like and he likes me he is 11 years older then me. we tried datingg b4 and it didn't work out cause we was not ready 4 a relationship so we decided to stay friends. well i got married and im now seprated and this guy has really been there for me and he told me that when my divorce was over if i wanted to we could give "us" another try.i told him that i was not going to be ready for a relationship for awhile and he understands he said that we could just hang out go out to eat and do different little stuff like that until we both thought that we was ready for a relationship. what should i do should i go for it and give it a try or what?




  1. i don't think any harm is giving it another try, unless you don't want to be in a relationship.  

  2. I think it would be a good ideal to go for it because y'all try-ed it before so now y'all should give it anther try and see how it work out and if it don't then you should go for someone else that can be close to your age maybe if you like...And he sounds like he's very good to listening with you if he understands then you should really go for it..

  3. Dont try and rush it, a rebound relationshio hardly ever works, just take it slow and see what happens, if it works out then good for u

  4. you're not going to be ready for at least a year after your divorce.  Don't string the guy along...he sounds like a good guy and doesn't deserve to be treated that way.  Make your intentions clear but don't give him false hope and something that may never be if you want to date a lot of guys to get over your ex.  

  5. why didn't it work out between you two? things didn't work out for a reason. i suggest you remain "just friends" with him.

    after your divorce is final, give your self time to heal and rediscover yourself....then find someoneelse.

  6. Go for it girl! i think hes the one for u

  7. can be tried as a gambler's deal.

  8. i would say that you should give it a try, but only when you feel you are ready to be in a relationship again,...

  9. maybe after your divorce is final but not until then

  10. Since that guy seems to be nice and has always been there for you then yes, why don't you give it another try?

    You won't lose anything. If it works out between the two of you -and I feel that it would- then that's great news. But if it doesn't then he's still gonna be your friend no matter what.  

  11. I have been there before and i told myself then that i will never want to fall in love again.But think again. If this guy has been there for you,why don't you tell him that we erase the word love from this relationship.Because love is a very complicated thing caused by humans.Have each other as a companion and be normal friends.Don't hesitate to meet other guys as well and tell him to do the same.If love is fated between the two of you it will fall in place when the time is right.That way you both know that you are really made for each other,because you have seen and done all you had wanted to.If your mind and heart is with him and his with you despite meeting others then we have the answer! Good luck!Love is too much work and too much pain,take it real slow.

  12. Casual dating sounds right. You have nothing to lose.

  13. well i think that you should give it a try. from hanging out n stuff you might just want to give it another try and it work out for the good. even though you was married you will have to take it slow cause u might still have some feelings their.

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