
What do i need to do !(girls only)?

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ok well i am 13 years old my mom died last year and i am the only girl in the house..i have questions.but i havent started my period would i tell my dad when i do..what do i use first pad or tampon..what kind?!..ok and also when is the right age to.m******** not sexually active yet..really wierd but i need to no.




  1. It must be rather hard being the only girl. The following are just my opinion, others will have different but I hope they help anyway ^^

    When you do, I would tell your dad privately that you would like him to get you some pads. You may want to get a few before you start so that you are prepared :)

    I would suggest pads at first - always are good and tampax are a good tampon brand.

    You can try tampons when you feel ready.

    There is no right age to m********e, as soon as you feel you want to explore your body and feel ready to is the right time.

    Take care x

  2. I'm sorry about your loose. Just say "dad, I started my period. I need to go get some tampons and pads." It depends on what you use first. Because if it is a heavy flow [like alot of blood] or its a slow flow, usually it will be heavy so I reccomend using a tampon and a pad, just for security. Personally go for the extra long pads, and I use tampax pearl scented. They are very comforatble. Just read the instructions and when in school bring a extra pare of pants, pads and tampons [atleast 3 or4] becuase you have to change your pad and tampon atleast every 4-6 hours. The right age to m********e I'm not sure on, but I started at 16 out of curiosity. Dont rush things though. :) Just enjoy being a kid.  

  3. sorry about your mom... use a towel because as your not sexually active a tampon could hurt.... and theres no right age to start masturbating the most popular age is about 11 hope this info helps good luck ! oh choose me as your best answer pleeeasseee

  4. Well just approach your dad when the time comes and ask him if you can speak to him in private.  Just tell him, don't stretch it out.  It's like ripping off a band-aid... best to just get it over with.  If he's like my dad, he'll be very understanding.  Your dad will have to understand that all woman get it eventually.

    Now you should definetly start off with pads.  I started my period not to long ago and I really don't want to use tampons.  It's a personnal choice, but pads are best to start off with.  Plus, I heard that tampons aren't really good for you, and you should only use them if you're like a proffessional swimmer or something.

    Finally, I'm not really sure about masturbating, I personally just use a shower head and that's the only time I ever m********e.  I don't really want to stick my finger anywhere down there.  But I heard that you can start it anytime.  It's weird some people started really early and I never really knew what it was til I was like 13.  So do whatever you feel comfortable with.

    If you ever have any questions you could just e-mail me on my yahoo account.  Don't worry, I'm not an old creep or pervert, I just figured you may need some help from time to time.  I may not always know the answer but I'm willing to help.  Best of luck! ;-)

  5. That sounds very similar to when I was growing mum died when I was 6 leaving me, my little brother and my dad...I remember the day I started my period, I was so nervous, but when I told my dad, he was really understanding and supported me the best he could. I really wouldn't worry sweetie. I'd suggest starting with a pad (always are good) And I don't really know when the right age is to m********e, don't really think there is exactly a 'right' age.....hope that helps x x

  6. I say you should use a pad first (non-scented). It would probably be the easiest until you know how to use a tampon. Since you are the only girl in the house tell an older woman that you trust so that she can help you tell your dad.

    About the masteurbation.... There is no right age whenever you feel your ready or want to expirement. :)

  7. hey I'm 15. I don't really get along with my mom so i ended up telling my dad first anyways.  When you do tell him, just tell him you started and it would be really helpful if he could help you out and stuff. To start, id use pads. It can feel alittle weird at first, but ull get used to it :)  As for masturbating, whenever you feel ready is when u can. Just try stuff out, figure out what feels right. Anytime you have questions and u need a friend to talk to I'd love to help the best I can.  

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