Hello, i've recently graduated from high school and for now i think the career i would most enjoy would be teaching but i have a few questions.
(i am from indiana and would plan on teaching here btw)
in hs I only took 3 years of math (alg1, geo, alg2) and only 1 year of foreign language (spanish)....
would this be a problem? would i need to take ermm... i think they call it undergraduate courses to take a 4th and 2nd year of math and language?
also, how demanding is the education process with becoming a teacher? if i major in history for example will i need to take many difficult math or science classes? i'm not great at math, i understand science fairly well except when difficult math starts to get involved, i'm very good in english and history.
also is it difficult to find a job after college, what is the typical pay i could expect, any other bits of advice, etc.
i would prefer to probably teach high school, but would settle for middle school btw.
-thanks so much