
What do i need to enter a prison in California

by  |  earlier

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i am not from the us so i do not have a license but i have an identifiation from my contry




  1. This link should help you...

  2. If you want to tour or visit someone in  a prison, you should contact the CA Department of Corrections and find out the procedures in this matter.

  3. Go to this site.  It should help.  And ignore the grossly uninformed like the first responder.

  4. I presume you are wanting to visit a prisoner.  

    Look up the prison you are interested in visiting on the internet.  If the information you seek is not on their website, write to them.  

    State your circumstances, and simply ask "what documentation do I need to provide in order to visit "xxxxxxx"?


    If this is not the circumstances - please state what they are so that a more intelligent reply may be given.

  5. you'd need a conviction for a crime  that carries a longer sentence for it than a year (otherwise, you'd most likely end up in a county jail instead)

  6. a criminal record...

    a supply of drugs

    a lethal weapon

    and a bad attitude towards a judge.

    That should help you in your quest.

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