
What do i need to go to mexico RIGHT now?

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Ive heard alot of answers i want to go this weekend what do i need? and if i need a passport how long does it take to get it? or is there any other subsitute just for 3 days?




  1. it's pretty easy to go to mexico. its getting back thats tough

  2. Check out  

    Passport is needed for all air travel and only birth cert. is needed by land or sea - canges July of next year so get it now as the agencies will be swamped next July when the law changes.

    You can pay for expidited service - just google the many companies.

    Dont let it go to the Washington DC as they suck ! Boston turned mine around in 1 week after I gave up on 6 months of run around in Washington.

    No substitutes - the airline wont let you board w/o it !

  3. To travel to Mexico right now... driving, all you need is your birth certificate and a an ID or Driver's License.

    To travel to Mexico right now... flying, all you need is your passport.

    For me, to get my passport it took 3 months... and this was last year.  I am pretty sure it takes about the same or a bit longer now.

    The only other substitute just for a 3 day get away is driving to Mexico... as long as you have your birth certificate & a picture ID or Drivers License.  It's easy and fast to get your birth certificate.

  4. If you are driving into Mexico, you only need a photo ID and birth certificate

    If you are flying, you will need a passport to travel via air

  5. You need a passport and it takes several weeks

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