For my solo in drama at school, i have decided to go along a slightly alternative path. I am essentially taking the p**s out of Australian history. Essentially tempting ot -prove the concept that we as Australians have a such a general lack of care or interest for Australian heroes and icons we create false idols (ie Paris Hilton, Corey Worthington). Now to introduce the piece, i am using Mr G, who will be teaching Australian history with the Mr G Song in the Background.
I will be altering lyrics and extending the piece (essentially just repeating the motiff) and talking about Australian history with clearly wrong facts.
"When Kevin Rudd and his first fleet of working families first discovered Australia"
Having only seen a few epiosdes of summer heights high, i need to know what i would need to include in a Mr G Character, to do the character justice. I am hoping to stay away from the whole "ectasy" line as much as possible if i could.